
De'Lace Photography Locations

Our home office is located in Stockbridge, GA. Your photographs can be taken at other locations as well as your home or family property.  

We would love to photograph your family's memories and provide you with amazing images to last a lifetime. To get started planning your session, send us a quick message with the details of your dream session. Within 24 hours you will receive an email with information regarding your session and you will set up a consultation to go over all the details.

De'Lace Photography is a full service studio that offers more than just a disc of images but beautiful works of art to pass on for generations to come. Your memories should be displayed and not forgotten in a drawer.

 Investment information:

Most sessions are $50 an hour to book the session. Digital files and products cane be purchased at your viewing session. Email us for a full pricing list.

 Facebook / delace@live.com / 678-632-3411